Monday, March 12, 2007

Education in the 21st Century

Kids today have access to a multitude of media technologies yet in many classrooms, students enter the Dark Ages of paper and pencil and classrooms set up for the industrial age. How can we promote change to address the learning styles of today's kids? How can we redirect the "book-based" and "standards-based classrooms to higher-level thinking and processing? Standards are not a bad idea...but we need to make sure they include today's world. We also need to determine how we can use technology to meet those standards. How do we get teachers to understand this...when the teacher training institutes don't address this, much of our teaching population is ready to retire....

1 comment:

Simon Kenny said...

I agree, getting the staff in your school can be the biggest obstacle to moving forward. Some teachers still see the 21st Century and the opportunities it brings as a choice. Unfortunatley it's our kids that miss out. I am trying something at the moment and hope to get kids making connections and building networks. Please feel free to have look at our project Keep throwing ideas like this out there, they need to be heard.